Friday, March 22, 2013

Fluoridation Statement

At our February meeting, the OPUD board voted 3-2 to discontinue fluoridation of the water supply in Olivehurst in Plumas Lake.  First 5 Yuba asked the board to reconsider our decision and we did so on 3/21.  After hearing from public on both sides of the issue, and receiving a petition signed by 130+ residents urging us to strop fluoridation, I read this statement:

At previous board meetings I've indicated that my decision to vote to stop fluoridation was not an easy one as the issue is very complex and not black and white.  However, the more time I spend considering this topic, the more black and white it has become for me and the more I believe my vote was the right one.

One area that I believe isn't black and white is the benefit of  fluoridation verse the possible risks.  There are very passionate people and arguments on both sides of this debate.  Frankly, I think the benefit is less than is claimed by some on the pro-fluoridation side while the risk is less than that portrayed by some on the anti-fluoridation side.

What I believe is black and white is the argument that OPUD should not be adding a substance to the water that is used for a medical purpose, especially when there are alternative treatments and residents have approached this board and asked us to stop.  I believe our customers have a right to have water that is fluoride free.  Those OPUD customers who wish to add fluoride to their water have the ability to do so.  Those who want water without fluoride have no easy way to remove it. 

I would support donating the funding we spent on fluoridation to improve dental care for the economically disadvantaged in our community.  However, based on my experience on this board, I anticipate that doing so would be considered "a gift of public funds" and would not be allowed.  Interesting that it is ok for us to spend rate payer money on improving dental health as long as it is done through the water supply and not directly, where I believe it would make the most difference. 

I want to thank the citizens who have stepped up and made your desires and concerns on this topic known to the board, no matter which side you were on. While we received feedback from those on both side of the issue,  I personally heard from far more residents who wanted fluoridation stopped and I hope the board listens to our constituents and upholds our decision last month to discontinue it. 

After directors had an opportunity to comment, a vote was taken and the result was the same as the month before.  Essentially, a 3-2 decision to stop fluoridation.

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